* * *
-New Utada Hikaru Screen Saver added
-New visitors counter added. Now I know much more information about my visitors
* * *
-Love Hina Cd Player and new mascot downloads added
-2 new parts of "Super Fly" flash cartoons series added
-Суб-титры к DiGi Charat 1-12 серии
-FuriKuri and DiGi Charat descriptions added
-Переведены Berserk, Fushigi Yuugi и Oh! My Godness descriptions
-New Morning Musume Bio design
* * *
-Congratulations with winter's beginning!!!
-Some funny X-Mas desktop toys added
-Frame structure checking script added
-Добавлено несколько переводов в разделе J-Music Info
-My J-Music collection reached size, more, than 2,5Gb!!!
-Design changes, again and again…
* * *
-Русские субтитры к 11-ти сериям DiGi Charat'а
-New anime related links aded
-Following many requests, "Fire Text" Java-Script at main screen killed
-English description of "Blood" fixed
-Fixed background bug in big display resolutions
-More, than 2000 visitors per month!!!
-Again design changes
* * *
-Some J-Artists Discographies and BIOs added
-Некоторые бионрафии артистов переведены
-Some parts of "Megumi Hayashibara Toons" MANGA added
-Utada Hikaru Screen Saver "Deep River" added
-No More DeadLinks, now all Mascots realy available
-Now I have great helper Swan (editor, tester, ideas generator and critic)
-Теперь у меня есть хороший помошник Сван (Редактор, Тестер, Генератор Идей и Критик)
-New Sailor Moon Screen-Saver added
-Русские субтитры к первым 8-ми сериям DiGi Charat'а
* * *
-Flash Version for Beta-Testing aded
- Again Design Changes
-SoftWare Download moved to "Other"
-Some new ANIME descriptions and articles
-Добавлены рецензии на Lain и Blue Sub от Swan'а
-Добавлена рецензия Blue Sub от Archibyte'а
* * *
-New Forum Design (Now in English language)
-Aded new downloads (WinME restore remover, WinNT FAT32
Blade MemoryCard image aded
русские суб-титры для всего сериала Love Hina
-Some design changes
-Добавлена рецензия на Акиру
* * *
-Aded new AnimeImages
-No more JS-buttons!!!
-Aded some Japanese Singers Bio
-Aded some MP3 download links
-Fixed dead links
-HTML recoded for more compact size