Kazuya Saotome is your average college guy. He lives in an apartment with a beautiful girl who loves to give him some fan service. He has a rival who wants to do nothing but get even with him for all the things that have happened to him in the past. Ok, that might not be average, but it makes for an interesting plot Kazuya snores through his 'Introduction to Magnetism' exam and Nanbara decides to get even for his failing grade. So, he gives Kazuya a DVD-Rom with a Trogin virus on it that once loaded will require the user to input a set of commands as they are given. If he can't, the virus will be activated. But, something goes wrong, the computer begins to give off an eerie light, and an order is placed to Cyberdyne Co. The next thing Kazuya knows is there is a ring at his door. He opens up and there is a woman with a package for him. Talk about fast service. But, when Kazuya goes to get his stamp, the lady disappears. What he's just been given is Cyberdoll May, a robot maid who's M.A.I.D. status is an acronym for 'Meet AI Departure'. The AI stands for both the literal acronym 'Artificial Intelligence' and for the more Japanese meaning of Love. As Tokyo Pop would say, "Love between meeting and leaving." But, regardless as the series progresses the comment "love is piled up" takes greater meaning as it "is immortal through all eternity."